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  • 四雅之约


电脑手绘类 | 2024年9月14日 下午10:53

作品:四雅之约 作者:吴柔萱 院校:中国美术学院 指导教师: 作品简介: 宋时四雅是宋人吴自牧在其笔记《梦粱录》点到的宋人在闲暇时光,陶冶情操的四种方式——焚香、点茶、插花、挂画。焚香...







宋代是中国古代文明的高峰期,被欧美学者称为“东方的文艺复兴”。 在社会人文艺术的影响下,宋代士大夫普遍追求雅致隐逸的生活。宋时四雅是宋人吴自牧在其笔记《梦梁录》点到的宋人在闲暇时光,陶冶情操的四种方式,分别是焚香、点茶、插花、挂画。焚香重嗅觉之美,品茶重味觉之美,插花重触觉之美,挂画重视觉之美,四艺合一则是风雅与韵味的生活美学。宋四雅文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的精神价值、思维方式、想象力,体现中华民族的生命力和创造力,是个民族智慧的结晶,也是全人类文明的瑰宝。在快节奏的时代里,我们很难抽出大片空闲时间静心凝神去“读古籍”、“赏佳画”但对闲情雅趣的生活的愿景饶有留存,本项目意在运用现代化视觉语言,再现宋时文人雅趣意境,拉近与当下生活的距离。

The Song Dynasty was the peak of ancient Chinese civilization, which was called “the Renaissance of Oriental Literature and Art” by European and American scholars. Under the influence of social humanities and art, the scholar-officials in the Song Dynasty generally pursued an elegant and reclusive life. Song Siya is the Song Dynasty Wu Zimu in his notes “Mengliang Lu” point of the Song Dynasty in the leisure time, edify the sentiment of the four ways, namely, burning incense, ordering tea, flower arrangement, hanging pictures. Burning incense focuses on the beauty of smell, tea tasting on the beauty of taste, flower arrangement on the beauty of touch, hanging pictures on the beauty of vision, and the combination of four arts is the life aesthetics of elegance and charm. The cultural heritage of Song Siya contains the unique spiritual value, mode of thinking and imagination of the Chinese nation, embodies the vitality and creativity of the Chinese nation, is the crystallization of national wisdom, but also the treasure of all human civilization. In the fast-paced era, it is difficult for us to spend a lot of free time to “read ancient books” and “appreciate good paintings”, but the vision of a life of leisure and elegance remains. The purpose of this project is to use modern visual language to reproduce the elegant and interesting artistic conception of the literati in the Song Dynasty and bring it closer to the present life.